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Watching the Clock

Perhaps it is called a watch so we will watch and pray, being mindful of our time of learning, growth, and struggle. For millennia those who stand guard have divided the night by watches. They are tools, and they are symbols of achievement, discipline, and responsibility.  They remind us to attend to what matters most. We keep them, though technology has replaced them. We glance at their faces to divide our days. For myself they also symbolize a right of passage into responsibility. I was blessed with three grandfathers who independently chose to gift me with watches that they cherished and carried on their adventurous lives as solders, cops, farmers, and businessmen.

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I imagine that we will one day be outside of time, eternal and unpressured by nightfall or the grave, with relationships unfettered by distraction or the fear of separation. I imaging that somehow time will have outlived its usefulness, yet there must be some sense of sequence or continuity. I imagine relationships and good work continuing to grow. Both expressing our truest selves in a joyful response to the purpose for which we were made. Like a watch our inner workings will be beautifully and wonderfully made. We reflect a loving hand that has crafted mechanisms of exquisite functionality.

Maybe we will still carry watches for the pleasure of the thing after its function is obsolete. I see us remembering time, and how it was spent in the currency of moments and days. I may carry a watch as any other piece of art that reflects the glory and intent of its maker. 

Keep watch, and pray. We are wonderfully made to reflect our maker’s intent. Lets savor the moments spent being what we were crafted to be. And look forward to remembering time.