Working Well

Training, Coaching, and Resources for Leading, Teaming, and working well.


ABOUT Working Well

When a leader, a team, or a company needs an objective, data based, assessment of the current state of operations and culture, Working Well provides the brutal facts with a kind and actionable delivery. Training, coaching and resources develop the ability to eliminate obstacles, and sustain more effective and profitable results. Working Well exists to get you unstuck and accelerate effective work.

Scott Leading Team Building Exercise

Scott Leading Team Building Exercise





About Scott

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DrScott ellis Culture tech

"I describe myself as a Culture Tech because my job is to help you fix what is ineffective about the way things are getting done. Then I get out of the way."

Dr. Ellis has served as a resource for development of individuals, teams and organizations, as a consultant, teacher, psychotherapist, coach and general manager. His pragmatic approach and demeanor are shaped as much by his years laboring in lumber mills and construction as they have been in the boardroom and the University. Scott has worked with non-profits, Government, and producers of goods and service. His manufacturing experience in recent decades has primarily focused on the printing and  packaging industry.