Faith based organizations are held to a higher standard, and they should be. To live up to the standard the senior staff and board must grow and change. To facilitate that development I assess and teach best practices. I have enjoyed working with many non-profits, not-for–profits, and unintentional non-profits helping leadership teams find direction, set a course for growth, and adopt healthier systems, communication, and decision making along the way.
My faith affects all that I do AND I know that my clients, both secular and faith based, do not pay me to share my personal beliefs on spiritual matters. There are scriptural principles that guide my use of business and psychology best practices but most clients won’t hear me quoting chapter and verse. However, if I am true to my principles I’ll be able to if you should ask.
I explain all this because the resources in this section are more overtly Christian. They are for those who value practical biblically supported principles for growth and change. So, if you manage to have your sensibilities offended by the writings herein.
Remember that you were warned,
Faith Based Books
FREE DOWNLOAD! This is a study and discussion guide to be used with Timothy Keller’s “Generous Justice, How God’s Grace Makes Us Generous”. It’s titled, “What To Do With This Book”