A Long Stretch

I’ve got an intangible bungee connection to my family.  It seems to be anchored to the pit of my stomach. I know that they are strong, intelligent, and capable.  I know that God loves them more than I do and that he protects them and as the steward assigned to their care I keep track of their whereabouts.

As I have traveled around the planet I have always calculated the response time required should any of them have a crisis. There have been times when the bungee felt as if it were taut.  I’ve felt it domestically, and even more at the North Sea, and intensely in Santiago.  It has felt stretched to the limit however, when they are the voyagers.

It’s not always distance alone. They may be in a situation where I cannot or should not help or they may be very far away.  A year before Alyn was born Elaine was beyond my help as we lost twins and she underwent emergency surgery.  The waiting room was far removed and I was ineffectual, so I prayed.  When Alyn went to Tanzania she was two days, three fights, a three-hour drive, and a short run from me, so I prayed.  Adam has bravely faced griefs where the only response was to shut up and be there; and to pray.  Ruth is in Romania today.  She is happy and healthy; and I could be there by tomorrow evening at 8:45.  I’m not fretting about it, I just pray and carry my passport.

I’m not certain I am doing this correctly; it’s just the way I am doing it.  I’ll pray, and actively repeatedly trust.  And I’ll get more proficient at trusting as I do. Reminding myself to do my part in the power of the Holy Spirit, and leave the results to God.  And I can be ready in five….

Daniel Conner