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The Universe wants to knock Down Your Sandcastle

The Universe wants to knock Down Your Sandcastle

There are things I know with certainty for which I have no proof.  Assurance of things unseen does not come easy to me; it is not restricted to matters spiritual.  Understanding the world around me with principles of astrophysics, medicine, or economics all require leaps of faith. For that matter, I rely on machines like computers, medicines, microwave ovens, and anti-lock brakes the workings of which I would be hard pressed to explain.   And I trust you.  None of it comes easy to me, because I question everything.

“Doubting” Thomas is a hero of mine because he trusted Jesus enough to ask the questions on everyone’s mind.  I know with certainty that God will still be God when I get to the end of my understanding.  He will stand up to scrutiny.  What I can explain about Him or the universe as a result of questions and study satisfies a desire to know Him and his workings more deeply.  It also opens up new realms of questioning. 

A nineteenth century economist said”For those who believe no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.”  My position is to trust and verify.   I believe, and proof is necessary to know what can be known and extend the reach of what can be comprehended or imagined.

A few of the truths we hold to be self evident are summed up as laws of thermodynamics.  These are as close to absolutes as most modern thinkers are willing to go.  So, I think it odd that some have taken me to task for applying these laws in the explanation of human behavior.  It is the height of arrogance to believe that everything outside my skin is subject to these laws, but that within that barrier I am exempt.  Even the soul may be subject to their effects while bound within creation.  Paul said “ I consider our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us…..the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.”  Even Jesus subjected himself to being fully human and being fully vulnerable to the impact of creation’s brokenness.  The times that he intervened with the natural order of events we call miracles.
The decay Paul references sounds like entropy; the degradation of matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity.  In other words, stuff falls apart.  If I believe this, the second law of thermodynamics, then I can be certain that it is effecting all subatomic particles.  That’s what I am made of and I believe it goes beyond aging and other visible signs.  I believe it is a constant negative pressure we must work against in all thought and behavior.  Whether I am trying to organize my thoughts, or my garage, or the sand on the beach, Law 2 is working to bring disorder.  The universe hates sandcastles and begins to exert its power as soon as order is attempted.

Far from pessimistic, I see this as a realistic view of the world.  When planning and counting the cost of improving a pile of sand, a relationship, or a community, it is essential to consider how the improvement will be maintained in an environment where entropy is constant.  Just as a ship at sea must understand and counter the current to maintain course we must be aware of the force of disorder.  Then we are able to make a more durable difference.