It's all small stuff

The noise came from the dryer. Clink, ding, clunk; “That’s my wedding ring!” I laughed.

As the bus driver and sole male at a women’s retreat I was sequestered to sleep in the basement of the host church. Since my hands were swollen from a day of driving, I took off my wedding band and placed it by the pillow before going to sleep. In the morning it was nowhere to be found. I scoured the room without success.

Back home, I called the host church office regularly to inquire if anyone had found a ring. Soon I was on a first name basis with the office manager as we spoke weekly, then monthly, then twice a year until she retired. Carole took up the cause when she learned that the ring had been my father’s wedding ring before it was my own. She never had to check the lost and found as she was ready with a report each time I called.

I kept asking God to want to return it to me. He can do any big or small thing that he wants to do. It’s also clear to me that many of my wants do not fit into His perfect plan. So, I trusted that He was working all things together for good (Romans 8:28) and I kept reminding Him of my heart’s desire.

At times I felt petty or selfish praying for small stuff when there are so many big needs to be met. But I am convinced that big and small are only a matter of perspective for the One Who makes everything out of subatomic particles and has the capacity to hold them together (Colossians 1:17). So, I reconciled myself to not having the ring, and on faith we never replaced it.

My backpack had been through deserts, rivers, swamps and poison oak. It had been washed and scrubbed and turned inside out; but it had never been in the dryer. The heat must have loosened it from the waterproof seam. Clink, ding, clunk; after 10 years I had it back. Now it is a daily reminder of my commitment, as well as my dad’s commitment to my mom, and my heavenly Father’s kind consideration for little things.

Daniel Conner