Blogging about Blogging?

We interrupt this irregularly scheduled broadcast for this important announcement.  I’ve been traveling and working on a couple of big projects and I wanted to let you know I have not forgotten about you.

Posting my DPI (deep probing insights) and lame ideas in a blog is still new to me; but it reminds me of writing to my Aunt Mae.  She lived in San Francisco with my Uncle Walty, the 90 something diminutive longshoremen with the dancing tattoos.  Aunt Mae took an interest in me and asked me to write to her every week.  When I began writing to her my letters were something like, “Dear Aunt Mae, How are you? I am fine.  My dog Mischief made the neighbor dog Flower have puppies.  That’s all for now.  Love Scotty.”  Aunt Mae would respond with pages filled with exotic descriptions of adventurous living in the raucous young city for over 90 years.  Oh, and she sent me a new dollar bill with every letter.

Her glorious stories and the questions she posed made it easy to write more freely and more often; and failing that motivation there was the matter of the dollar.  In the process she changed from an old lady that was somehow related to my grandma to a wholly other life that I could learn from and enjoy.

Consequently, when I began writing this blog there were a few self imposed expectations, including that I would write something every week.  If I fail to do this I would appreciate someone emailing me a dollar.

Another expectation was that it would be a conversation.  So I am very grateful to those of you who post comments, send emails, and low tech talk with me.  These conversations, and snatches of conversation, enlighten, and improve what I am trying to accomplish in this endeavor.

Back to the announcement: the flow was interrupted by bi-coastal adventures and by my concentration on the nest post I had in mind.  In our last episode I was exploring the principle that God’s grace has put us in a position that allows us to respond and grow through the obedient exercise of our will. Im working on the next installment which will define that exercise as the “1st seven habits of highly effective Christians”.

As I was working on that I had a conversation with one of you about the prevalence of depression.  Particularly, we were talking about the nasty experience of feeling cut off from relationship with God when in the midst of depression.  So, Ill be posting on this topic next.

In the mean time please take a minute to write me a note.  Tell me; how are you? I am fine.  That’s all for now. Love Scotty

Daniel Conner